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Showing posts from December, 2020

My Yoga Experience

Before I took this class I thought I knew a good amount of yoga because many of my family members practice and teach it. As the class began and we started learning about different types of yoga I realized yoga is so much more than what I knew. I learned about so many different types of yoga, teachers, and especially doing yoga online. After completing the first few practices in class I realized I was out of shape because the beginner classes were harder for me to complete and I could not keep up. As the semester went by I began to feel more comfortable and confident in my practice. I progressed each week from the weekly practices and I benefited a lot from the in class practices because those were always more challenging. I learned that making the location of where I practiced yoga a sacred and safe space was very important to have a successful practice. By having a relaxing, quiet, comfortable place to do yoga I was able to focus on my posture and breathing much better than when I was

Week 13

This week's practice was led by Lesley Fightmaster. It was a practice to balance your chakras. She was very good at explaining how to do all of the breathing techniques and poses. I enjoyed this class because we recently learned about chakras in class so I could connect what we learned to what she was talking about. I have better practices when I know what is going on because I can truly learn it and feel as if I am getting a lot out of it.  In my opinion, the body is a tool to hold your spirit. It acts as a home for your soul as it lives the current life the body is in. This is why some people have “old souls.” They actually have an old soul that has been through multiple different lives. This is only a belief because science has not proved it, but in my opinion, it makes a lot of sense and it makes the thought of death more peaceful. The body is approached as something one must take care of to live a long healthy life. While this is true your mental health may be more important t