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My Yoga Experience

Before I took this class I thought I knew a good amount of yoga because many of my family members practice and teach it. As the class began and we started learning about different types of yoga I realized yoga is so much more than what I knew. I learned about so many different types of yoga, teachers, and especially doing yoga online. After completing the first few practices in class I realized I was out of shape because the beginner classes were harder for me to complete and I could not keep up. As the semester went by I began to feel more comfortable and confident in my practice. I progressed each week from the weekly practices and I benefited a lot from the in class practices because those were always more challenging. I learned that making the location of where I practiced yoga a sacred and safe space was very important to have a successful practice. By having a relaxing, quiet, comfortable place to do yoga I was able to focus on my posture and breathing much better than when I was
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Week 13

This week's practice was led by Lesley Fightmaster. It was a practice to balance your chakras. She was very good at explaining how to do all of the breathing techniques and poses. I enjoyed this class because we recently learned about chakras in class so I could connect what we learned to what she was talking about. I have better practices when I know what is going on because I can truly learn it and feel as if I am getting a lot out of it.  In my opinion, the body is a tool to hold your spirit. It acts as a home for your soul as it lives the current life the body is in. This is why some people have “old souls.” They actually have an old soul that has been through multiple different lives. This is only a belief because science has not proved it, but in my opinion, it makes a lot of sense and it makes the thought of death more peaceful. The body is approached as something one must take care of to live a long healthy life. While this is true your mental health may be more important t

Week 12

This week's practice was Vipassana Meditation led by Marcello Spinella. I enjoyed how he taught us some science of the brain. I am a science major so it made meditation make more sense to me. Neuroscience is a hard topic to learn, but the way Marcello Spinella explained it made it easy to follow. When meditation is explained scientifically it makes so much sense and also made me want to do it even more. Yoga can be seen as a form of meditation in my practice space. This is because yoga is a way to focus on my thoughts and bring myself to a state of calmness and relaxation. I learned that meditation is not a way to clear your mind completely, but instead to calm your mind and try to bring your thoughts on what the instructor is talking about.  Meditation is practiced for many reasons, relaxation, to calm down, and much more. Meditation can be practiced at a yoga studio or even from your chair at school. First, you have to try to focus on your breathing and be conscious of your surro

Yoga Week 10

For this week’s yoga practice I chose to do another video led by Lesley Fightmaster. This week she taught a vinyasa flow yoga class. It was a good mixture of relaxing stretches and poses that were not easy. These types of practices are encouraging because it is nice to be able to do some poses well while you still feel as if you are pushing yourself with the poses that are harder to hold for longer periods of time.  I enjoy how Lesley has a nice soothing voice and is very good at explaining the poses. This makes it easy to not have to look back at the screen several times. This is especially nice when I am practicing in my room at school because there is not much space to practice so not having to have the computer very close to me is helpful.  Another aspect of this week’s practice that I enjoyed a lot was the motivational sayings the instructor would say throughout the practice. She nicely explained the poses, what their benefits are, and a little motivational saying. Even if the ben

Yoga Week 9

  This week I practiced Hatha yoga led by Lesley Fightmaster. It was very soothing in the beginning with all of the stretching positions she had me do. As the practice went on it became more difficult as we had to hold our bodies up with one arm at a time. This was a nice challenge to try to improve my yoga capabilities, but it was definitely not the hardest yoga I have ever done. I would rate it a seven out of ten. The context of my pracice space was different than my usual place. It was at my house in northern Jersey instead of my school house that I rent. It was nice because it is more spacious, my dog was with me and it was much more quiet than my school house with 6 girls. The definition of a practice space is really anywhere where you can focus and practice yoga. It can be in nature, your home or a studio. Connections made outside of the context of the practice space are typically made socially. Since I have been practicing at home and not with a whole class or a live instructor

Yoga Week 8

This week’s yoga practice was led by Jenn Kretzer from The Yoga Hive. We practiced Shivananda yoga for over an hour which was very relaxing but also felt like a workout. Jen was very good at explaining how to do the poses and corrected us when needed. I did not realize it until we started the practice, but I have done Sivananda many times before. I just did not know it was called that. When I attended Rutgers University during my freshman year I joined a yoga club. The instructor always had us go through the same poses and we finished with three oms. It was nice knowing the yoga prior to the practice because I did not have to look back to my screen multiple times since I knew what I was doing.  After researching this yoga I found that it is one of the only yoga practices that has not been modified from its original form. I find this very fascinating because everyone always feels the need to change things up nowadays to keep people interested. There is also a special feeling of getting

Yoga Week 7

This week I did a vinyasa yoga class. The class was from a youtube channel called Floating Yoga School. It was about an hour long and there were many students in the class to look at for example. This class was very enjoyable because there were a lot of poses I have already learned. I also enjoyed how there were headstands involved because I attempted it and I was actually able to hold it for a little bit of time. The practice was challenging because it was so long and we had to hold the poses for a good amount of time, but it was also very enjoyable. Yoga was very traditional at first when it started in the east. It was a part of life that enlightened and raised you to a higher level. As it came to the west it became a counter-culture practice because it started breaking traditional yoga. After more time passed it became pop culture. Yoga is now more of a trend middle-class women attend. It is not used so much for enlightenment, but for a good body and to fit in.   Yoga in the west ha